About us

What is this website for?

www.linkvolunteers.org aims to foster direct access to volunteer management processes  by youngsters, youth operators and  organizations all over the world.


  • Learning resources for young people and organizations about Youth Volunteer Management processes  on topics such as: Planning for Volunteer Involvement, Volunteer Recruitment and Selection, Day-to-Day Management of Volunteers, Train the volunteer;
  • Events, trainings and other opportunities on youth volunteer management process for youth professionals;
  • Events, trainings and other opportunities for young volunteers offered by world wide organizations.


  • Whether you are an organization or a volunteer, browse to our learning resources articles to find out more about volunteering;
  • If you are a volunteer, use our search tool to find opportunities in your area and engage with organizations world wide;
  • If you are an organization, you can create an account, post your event and use this website as an additional tool to promote your volunteering events and engage with young people world wide;
  • Share with us your experience and journey as a volunteer.

The website was developed within the project The Inspiration of You which aimed to strengthen volunteering among young people in partner countries by providing high quality education, training and exchange programs.

The project The Inspiration of You was developed from 1.12.2018 to 31.08.2020 and was co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus + Program, Capacity Building in the Youth Field.

The main activities were:

  • Research on best practices and models of youth volunteering in different sectors (NGOs, businesses, public institutions – hospitals, social protection institutions) by analyzing some thematic areas such as volunteer management programs, national policies.
  • Professional training of 25 youth workers from the partner countries in the field of volunteers management
  • Youth Exchange for 30 young people in order to better understand the importance of volunteering and to develop new knowledge and skills in this field
  • Creating an online platform that provides learning resources and volunteer opportunities for both  youth  and interested organizations.

The project is coordinated by Center for Education and Consulting Structural Instruments (Romania-Targu-Jiu) – www.cecis.ro.

Partner organizations are:

  • MV International (Italy – Sassari) – www.engomvi.com
  • Institute for Global Education Exchange and Intership – IGEEI (Philippines – Cainta)
  • Brigada de Voluntarios Bolivarianos del Peru (Peru – Lima) – www.bvbperu.org
  • Circulo Italo Argentino Raices Sarda Buenos Aires Norte (Argentina – San Isidro)
  • Center for Development of Community Initiative and Environment (Viet Nam – Hanoi) – Ce.center.org

Project Gallery

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Volunteer Management

How to recruit, train, engage and coordinate your volunteers!

About Volunteering

Volunteering – an act of kindness, inspiration and motivation!

Do you have an upcoming event and need volunteers?

Register your organization, submit your event and find the most dedicated volunteers!