
Event Date
Selection Call – OPEN TO CHANGE

Event Details

Topic: Selection Call

Starting date: 14/03/2022, duration: 5 days

Country: Romania

City: Târgu-Jiu

Target group: Young people

Criteria: Knowledge of English, Age: 16-22 years, Motivation

Other info: The project is fully covered by the E+ program. Participants will receive Youthpass Certificate.

Event Description

🔛Vino alături de noi într-o nouă oportunitate de învățare internațională!
Centrul International pentru Educație găzduiește în perioada 14 – 18.03.2022 schimbul internațional de tineri din cadrul proiectului Open to Change, proiect finantat de Uniunea Europeană prin programul Erasmus+.
De ce să ni te alături?
🔹Primești certificat YouthPass;
🔹Ai ocazia de a cunoaște persoane și obiceiuri noi;
🔹Îți dezvolți comunicarea în limba engleză;
🔹Iei parte la activiăți de învățare într-un cadru internațional;
🔹Îți vei îmbunătăți cunoștințele despre drepturile omului, cetățenie și democrație;
🔹Îți vei exprima liber opinile referitoare la subiectele dezbătute;
🔹Legi noi prietenii si rămâi cu amintiri de neuitat.
🔛 Join us in a new opportunity for international learning!
International Center for Education hosts between 14 and 18.03.2022 the international exchange of young people within the Open to Change project, a project funded by the European Union through the Erasmus + program.
Why join us?
🔹 You will receive a YouthPass certificate;
🔹 You have the opportunity to meet new people and habits;
🔹 You develop your communication in English;
🔹 You take part in learning activities in an international setting;
🔹 You will improve your knowledge of human rights, citizenship and democracy;
🔹 You will freely express your opinions on the topics discussed; Make new friends and stay with unforgettable memories.
  • : Selection Call
  • : 14/03/2022
  • : 5 days
  • :
  • : Târgu-Jiu
  • : Young people
  • : Knowledge of English, Age: 16-22 years, Motivation
  • : The project is fully covered by the E+ program. Participants will receive Youthpass Certificate.

Apply to this Event

Your registration form will be sent to the organizer, who will contact you for further information.


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